Program Opportunities for you at NJIT
- You @ NJIT
The You @ NJIT Overnight Program……
Want to learn more about what it’s like to be a part of the NJIT community? Then join us for a special overnight visit to the NJIT campus during which you can explore university life and learn why your opportunities at NJIT are unlimited.
The YOU @ NJIT program allows high school seniors that have been accepted for admission to NJIT to stay overnight on campus with an NJIT host and participate in a full schedule of events.
During your visit, you will have the opportunity to:
- Sit in on a class with your student host
- Spend the night in a dorm with a student host
- Tour the campus
- Have dinner conversation with faculty, student leaders and administrators
- Participate in a design competition
- Make connections with current NJIT students and form bonds with incoming class members.
For information on how to participate in this program, contact Fran Sears at 973-642-4671
The Center for Pre-College Programs was established in 1978 in order to increase access to scientific and technological fields among traditionally underrepresented populations and to improve the teaching of science and mathematics in secondary and elementary schools. The success of the program is reflected in the accomplishments of the many Pre-college alumni who become teachers who show the way to disadvantaged youngsters, engineers who create technology that allows astronauts to rendezvous in space, scientists researching new avenues to control and cure diseases, and financiers who strive to keep our economy flourishing. All of NJIT’s pre-college programs involve corporate partners, local school districts, or non-profit educational organizations. The corporate partners provide classroom speakers, financial support, role models, field trips, and expertise in the teaching of science and engineering.
Fifth-grade girls launch rockets as part of the FEMME aeronautical program
Convinced that intervention must begin in the elementary grades, NJIT has greatly increased its activities aimed at improving science teaching in the classroom and reforming the elementary science curriculum as early as kindergarten. The Center for Precollege Programs annually serves more than 3,000 elementary and secondary students and their teachers in a variety of programs.
The Albert Dorman Honors College (ADHC) exists to help the brightest NJIT students achieve their full potential. Honors college students form strong bonds with each other, sharing their time, enthusiasm, and talents. The 500 ADHC students excel in engineering, architecture, management, the sciences and liberal arts, and computing sciences. Many are also gifted in the arts or athletics. To be considered for admission to the ADHC, students must have a combined SAT score of at least 1250 and be in the top fifteen percent of their class.
The NJIT Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) is a state funded program for New Jersey students who are educationally and economically challenged and who are greatly underrepresented in science and technological fields. On the occasion of EOP's Silver Anniversary, New Jersey Governor Christine Todd Whitman issued a proclamation declaring that "this outstanding program offers students, at the university level, a unique chance to realize careers that might otherwise be unattainable, and provides for those students a number of services and support programs to further their chances for academic success."