So You Want To Be An Engineer.........????
What is Engineering?
Engineering is problem solving.
• It is applying scientific knowledge to create new and better things and ways of doing.
• It's invention and design applied to real-world problems.
• Engineering is saving and improving people's lives.
• It is elegant solutions developed with limited time, resources, and technology.
• It's accomplishing a specific task within a given set of constraints.
Engineers solve problems that are complex and can affect the lives and fortunes of many others. They use all their knowledge of math, science, technology, and people to develop options and implement solutions.
Engineering Careers Provide Diverse Tasks & Job Settings.
Engineers are professional problem-solvers. They use math and science along with communications, critical thinking, and management skills to design solutions to problems affecting society. There are several major engineering specialties that girls could choose from, and the major branches have numerous subdivisions. Find detailed descriptions of different engineering careers in the careers section on the EngineerGirl website.
Engineers work in a wide variety of settings - office buildings, laboratories, industrial plants, construction sites, etc. Engineers are employed in every state, in small and large cities, and in rural areas. In addition to design and development of products and facilities, engineers work in production supervision, management, sales and many other areas. For an idea of the different work environments that women engineers may work in, visit the EngineerGirl Gallery of Women Engineers.
Engineering Careers Provide Financial Security.
The average starting salary for an engineer with a bachelor's (4-5 year) degree ranges from $36,000 to $50,000. This is significantly higher than salaries for graduates with bachelor's degrees in many other fields. The job outlook for engineers varies slightly by discipline.
Women are Changing the Face of Engineering
Engineering is still a male-dominated profession, although participation of women in engineering workforce has increased dramatically in the last 25 years. The increasing number of women in the profession adds broader perspective to problem-solving and different approaches to teamwork. Read statistics about women in engineering on Women in Engineering page.