Women @ NJIT
Women at NJIT have come a long way since Edythe R. Raabe became the institute’s first woman graduate in 1930. Today, a quarter of all NJIT students are women, majoring not only in engineering, but also in architecture, computer science, biology, management, communication and many other exciting career areas.
Women are leaders in student government, clubs, and social groups as well as in academic departments and university administration. Some of NJIT’s most important decision-makers are women, including Associate Provost Dr. Judith D. Redling, and Professor Priscilla Nelson. Dr. Nelson, an internationally-recognized expert in geological engineering and underground construction, came to NJIT in 2005 after 11 years at the National Science Foundation.
In addition to Dr. Reding, other important NJIT decision-makers include Board of Trustees Chair Kathleen Wielkopolski and Board of Trustee members Liz Garcia, PE ‘73, and Diane Montalto ‘82. For ten years, Chair Wielkopolski was executive vice president and chief financial strategy officer of the Gale Company, Florham Park, where she oversaw the company’s strategic planning and financial resources.
Board member Garcia, an industrial engineer, is Manager of Public Affairs at the Infineum Group, an international petroleum additives enterprise, where she oversees the company’s government, community and media relations programs.
Board member Montalto, a chemical engineer, is Senior Director, Corporate Engineering & Facilities Management for Par Pharmaceutical, Inc. in Spring Valley, New York, a leading U.S. developer and manufacturer of generic pharmaceuticals.
To find out more about the extraordinary accomplishments of NJIT women students, faculty and alumnae, click on any of the names below: